Dryer Exhaust Reroute
Dryer vent cleaning is a terrific service for your customers that, in addition to your current services, can build even stronger revenue for your company. You work to improve the safety of your customers’ homes as well as their dryer’s performance efficiency. Unfortunately, you will eventually – maybe often - find that cleaning is not enough to get a system’s airflow to an optimum range. Sometimes duct runs are too long because they were not built to code or were built before code addressed the importance of proper venting. You might also find a run that has restrictive elbows or even too many of them. That’s when you can work some magic and turn the good revenue of dryer vent cleaning into one of the big jobs. Check out this video where the Dryer-Ell is part of the solution for a complete exhaust system reroute. This ends up being quite a profitable project for you.
Other factors, like a restrictive exhaust termination can also represent an opportunity. A fast switch out of a poorly designed wall or roof vent can add revenue to many jobs, which means more profit. The DryerJack or DryerWallVent are great solutions for medium sized dryer maintenance work.