UV Whole House Purification

UV Whole House Purification

Installs directly into the central air system.


Whole House Air Purifier

Activated carbon and germ-killing UV-C light work together to remove odors, chemicals, and biological contaminants for the lifetime of the air system. Keeping it cleaner also helps extend the life of the air system.

According to the EPA, indoor levels of pollutants may be 2 to 5 times—and occasionally more than 100 times— higher than outdoor pollutant levels. APCO helps protect against indoor air pollutants that have been ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health.

Bonus: Eliminates Odors

APCO eliminates VOCs which are the source of nearly all indoor odors. Pet odors, cooking smells and chemical vapors are no match.

The Science

APCO detoxes the air with a process called photocatalytic oxidation. The UV light reacts with titanium dioxide infused into the carbon which effectively disintegrates the captured contaminants, leaving only harmless water vapor and CO² which are released back into the air, leaving the cells clean so they never fill up or need to be replaced.

The Other Two Thirds

Changing your filters alone only addresses 1/3 of your indoor air polution. With APCO, you’ll protect and improve the entire home’s indoor air quality. Start breathing cleaner with APCO today.